Participant's Comments

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Participant 1, 2017-06-06 14:06:06. Rating: 4
I would improve the prepration of the helpers, in particular Edward he was not aware of the passwords to access the computers, and also we could not make up his mind in how to assign the accounts. It took a lot of time and he interrupted the speaker a lot. Also more signals to find the rooms.

Participant 2, 2017-06-06 15:06:08. Rating: 4

Participant 3, 2017-06-06 15:06:16. Rating: 5
Courses I have attended were prepared well and informative. Most of them were from beginner to intermediate which is very good. With MPI, some new concepts were introduced. I expected it would include more new features from MPI 3.x, but I understand as time was limited, including those and related exercises would be a logistic nightmare. Thanks for organizing this summer school, not only me but my research group will benefit from this as I ll try to share and help them.

Participant 4, 2017-06-06 16:06:38. Rating: 4
Adding more interactive sessions on MPI programming with more emphasis on Fortran an Introductory session on Python could be helpful

Participant 5, 2017-06-06 18:06:45. Rating: 5
Thank you for your time and sharing your knowledge with others. I appreciate the opportunity, practical hints and approachability of the instructors. It was great to meet people who resolve our Sharcnet tickets. Very knowledgeable. Good presentations, well explained practical examples, and plenty of recommendations (books, websites) for further study. I enjoyed visiting Graham - great idea and motivation to use it wisely. Labs were well prepared (with some minor issues, i.e. GUI interface not working during the big data lecture or assigning lab account numbers and temporary sharcnet account numbers). Coffee breaks were well timed, good selection of refreshments. For the future: I would suggest to ask participants to complete some prerequisites online to make sure that everyone is more or less on the same page. The instructors had to spend a lot of time explaining how to use console, log in to sharcnet, use basic unix commands, install software that was e-mailed to us in advance... instead of going through the presentations.

Participant 6, 2017-06-08 17:06:33. Rating: 5
The module on R for Data Analytic was excellent. Big thanks to the instructor for making the subject interesting and accessible. The pace of the tutorial was very good for beginners like me and I got a lot out of this session. Python for HPC was fun, too, but more challenging for me. Great slide deck definitely helped and the instructor used a lot of cross-language comparisons which I found very useful. My only regret is that I did not realize I could get into the closed registration sessions if I showed up on the day and there was space. I would have definitely attended more modules had I known that.